Thursday, April 29, 2010


I thought you all might like to look at teh pictures I took of teh bigguns in the war. So I titled this "bigguns" and put some pictures in it I took in the war.

This is the first one. This one is shooting stuff up in the sky. It was
daylight and teh moon wasn't up

Here is another one shooting but not so high. I saw a spider coming but I shot it. With my little gun.A good man told me I should put that away now.

Some of teh troops are getting blurry because they dont go to teh chow hall because of McChystal and spiders.

I took this one with my camers but made it black and white to see if it would look like night time. One time I saw the moon when it was daylight out.

SPIDERZ! SPIDERZ! Go to tthe moon!

When I saw these gloves I wanted some. They look like spider-proof moon gloves. Finders keepers.

I took this picture of another biggun shooting. It was loud. I am the only reporter who doesn't fear fire and heat.

This was good enough to use two times. Menard is finished. I CRUSHED HIM AND He is eating spiders in THE chow hall on the moon.

In this one you can see a pointy thing coming out. McChrystal is not the boss of me.

Later it got dark and teh moon came out, real big. Sometimes it is just a little slice of moon, like it got hit by a biggun and then teh spiders fell out. McChrystal is coming, but he doesn't know I have the gloves.


  1. Yer teh bestm, Mikey!

  2. An actual member of the militaryApril 29, 2010 at 3:09 AM

    I am an actual member of the military, and I really appreciate the courage you have to tell it like it is.

  3. My cousin's barber told him he knows a guy who's neighbor teaches school where a girl's brother's friend said he knew a guy who was going to join the Army but changed his mind when he read what you said about McChrystal.

  4. McChrystal is just doing Obama's bidding. Obama is a Muslim. Mike, I know you're getting close to finding the birth certificate, watch your back.

  5. Michael:

    All these pictures of guns are interesting, but we want to hear more about how that General McChrystal is a big, fat doody head. And the part where everyone is trying to silence you - that was great too.

    Please do not take your eyes off McChrystal, even for an instant. I just know he is going to steal my cornflakes...

    Frankly that scares the bejeezus out of me.

  6. Grandson of a proud VetApril 29, 2010 at 7:34 AM

    My Grandpa fought in World War 2.

  7. I'm not a journalist. I don't have to explain myself about McSpiders. One day I will reveal everything I know. For now I'm telepathing evidence to my lawyer for his review.

  8. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures! Stay safe and thank you for all you do!!

  9. Just incredible photography! BEAUTIFUL!! Keep up the stellar work my friend! God bless and be safe.

  10. I linked this post at my blog.
