Thursday, April 29, 2010

I got a email


"Mike, we should call him McChrystalBowersox. All the troops call him that to make fun of him. The lady who does my drycleaning says her son did a hitch in service but got out to go to college but he's still in touch with some guys who have been to Afghanistan and they call him McChrystalBowersox to make fun of him."

I have no idea who Chrystal Bowersox is because I don't watch American Idol, but that pretty much proves what I've been saying about McSpiders. I was the first person to call Iraq a civil war. Ever. The Canadians are our enemy. They are waiting to take advantage of our war with Mexico, but Menard can't even shoot a helicopter from the inside.

It's daylight here so I'm going to take a picture of the mountains. They look beautiful but I think they are moving. Towards me. I will try to upload them later.


  1. Mike, I'm a mother of a troop in Afghanistan just like most of your readers, and I have to say you confirmed my worst fears. I lie awake at night thinking of my little boy over there curled up in a fetal position in a corner too afraid to go to the chow hall because of the bombs while some drill sergeant screams at him and calls him foul names and stomps on him. He never calls or emails me because he is afraid they will make it harder on him if he talks.

  2. Mike, is Afghanistan a civil war too? I don't think we should be involved in other countries civil wars.

  3. Death to CrusadersApril 29, 2010 at 9:51 PM

    They will coming home now or in fire and blood and boxes. Obama will learn like Russians and British.

  4. We won our civil war when we burned Atlanta. Maybe it's time to burn Atlanta.

    Do those Arabs have an Atlanta over there?

  5. There were a number of reasons the North won the Civil War, but burning Atlanta wasn't one of them. That was an unnecessary step taken by a brutal dictatorship to maintain its control.

  6. Mike, my son is fighting over there and he says they're giving hell to the enemy every day. Thanks for telling it like it is, and keep up the good work. We're praying for you. Stay safe, and don't let the McChrystal's of this world get away with undermining the real heroes.

  7. McChrystal needs to change the ROEs so our boys can get some fighting done. And you can go to hell, "death to crusaders".

  8. Yer the best, Mikey.

    And please delete the negative comments above? Most of us don't come hear to see people trashing you. You have established a reputation for truth and don't have to pit up with this sort of stuff.

  9. Marine Mom, my cousin is going to be sent to Afghanistan, but the family is hoping he will challenge the orders in court based on Obama not having a birth certificate. However, it seems like he actually wants to go. We've tried to get him to read this web site but he took one look and left. He is brainwashed.

    So my question for you is should we write our congressmen to stop the war, or will that cause his superiors to use him as an IED detection system? I've heard the ones who complain get the death details.

  10. A true American FanApril 29, 2010 at 10:07 PM

    There another contestant on American Idol named Big Mike. Whenever I see him I think, "he's not Big Mike - Mike Yawn is the REAL Big Mike!"

    We're praying for you Mikey. Thanks for the pictures. I'm going to hit your tip jar.

  11. Mike Yawn is MY American Idol!

  12. Well, "anonymous" who is to afraid to use his real name, I say you're wrong, and it's time to burn Atlanta.

    Give them the bayonet, Mikey!!

  13. Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.

  14. A true American fanApril 29, 2010 at 10:12 PM

    We are not there to make an Empire!

  15. Mike, you seriously need a vacation. Please take some time off.

  16. Uh oh, looks like McChrystal has sent his lackeys over here again. More comments to delete please!

    Yer the best, Mikey.

  17. Don't listen to the critics Michael, they don't know what it's like to be you. Keep doing the Lord's work over there, we're depending on you.
