Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another very nice email

Got a very nice email from Hactor Magillicuddy. Here is what it said:

"I linked your post at my blog"

That is very nice. At his blog he says this: "McChrystal is incompetent and dangerous. He is in over his head."

That confirms a lot of the things I've been saying here. People keep asking for "evidence" even as it keeps piling up higher and higher and higher.


  1. I linked this post at my blog!

  2. Oh my gosh! Just read the post --- It's about me! Thank you thank you thankyou thankyou.

    Comments are open -- ready for the visitors!

    Did I say thank you? Thank you!

  3. Mike, if possible, can you change that to say "I got a nice email from The Captain"? Everyone calls me "The Captain". It's my blog handle, but its also what everyone calls me.


  4. Dana Bartlett (If you're ever in Reno)May 2, 2010 at 4:43 PM

    Whew - for a minute I thought you were going to publish one of my emails. Those are just between us. XXOOXX

  5. Also, for everyone adding me to your blog rolls, please link me as "The Captain". Thanks in advance!

    SEMPER FI!!!!!

  6. OMG!!! Did you guys hear -- they found a car bomb in NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!

  7. AmericanPatrioticMYFanMay 2, 2010 at 4:50 PM

    I'll bet MSNBC is already blaming "Right Wingers". That's why I never watch MSNBC.

  8. Michael, I heard a Vietnam vet is the one who planted the car bomb. Is this true? What have you heard?

  9. BlueStarFriendX2May 2, 2010 at 4:53 PM

    No, I heard it was a Vietnam vet who DISCOVERED the bomb - not who planted it.

    Michael, do you know him?

  10. No one knows ANYTHING! They have a tips hotline, I'll get the number and post it here.

  11. Michael, please call the tips hotline first, posting information here can wait.

  12. Has anyone thought it could be a LEFT WING TERRORIST? That's what I thought.

    But I'll bet when they catch the guys who did it their names will rhyme with "Joehammid".

  13. Dana, I don't think Michael has time for porno emails. And I know we don't want to read you living out your fantasies here in his comment section.

    Good morning, Michael! Happy thoughts headed your way!

  14. DOWNWITHBETRAYUSMay 2, 2010 at 5:04 PM

    Have you guys heard? A bomb went off in New York City!!!!!!!

  15. We're with you Mike! Hitting your tip jar!

  16. BethAnne from MuncieMay 2, 2010 at 5:06 PM

    No one should be jumping to conclusions about the terrorists until we have more information. Michael, what have you heard?

  17. Rock of the MarneMay 2, 2010 at 5:07 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. First Moslem President.... just sayin'.....

  19. Wow - a Captain speaks out supporting Mike Yawn. Everyone should certainly get over there and read what he said and not be distracted by television news that is trying to distract us from the real story.

    He isn't one of those REMF non-combat Captains, either. I'm going to add him to my blog roll and leave a comment on his site and everything.

  20. Okay, that was not me commenting above. It was someone impersonating me. Mike can you delete that comment? Because it wasn't me.

    It looks like this thread is going to be derailed with talk of this bomb in NY City though. So, people who want to discuss Betrayus can use my comment section for that.

  21. Just heard on the radio....CARBOMB IN NY CITY....Times Square......didn't go off......

    Will update when I hear more.

  22. RightGuyWrongCoastMay 2, 2010 at 5:24 PM

    You know why they call it Times Square? IT'S WHERE THE NEW YORK TIMES IS LOCATED. They could blow that building up and I wouldn't much care.

  23. mcchrystalisadooshMay 2, 2010 at 5:29 PM

    Re: Car bomb - No one should be jumping to conclusions until we have more FACTS. For gosh sakes, there are plenty of batshit crazy conspiracy theory web sites out there. Anyone who wants to go off the deep end can find some place else to do it without spamming this site with hairbraned tinfoilhat wearing garbage.

  24. "No one should be jumping to conclusions until we have more FACTS" Couldn't have said it better myself, mcchrystalisadoosh. But just watch, they'll use this as an excuse to come after the REAL Patriots.

  25. mcchrystalisadooshMay 2, 2010 at 5:45 PM

    Here's what we know so far:

    1. Obama is planning to deploy 80,000 troops IN AMERICA just before the elections.

    2. SUPPOSEDLY "an alert Vietnam veteran" discovered a car bomb near the headquarters of the New York Times just in time to stop it from blowing up.

    Those are the FACTS.

    Michael, do you have anything else to add? What do your contacts say?

  26. NervousInNantucketMay 2, 2010 at 5:48 PM

    A lot of commenters here have military experience like Michael. I'd like to hear their inputs on this.


  27. Good morning Michael! (Wish I could say it in person!)

  28. Maybe they should check the New York Times reporters for bomb residue!

  29. McChrystal is a Vietnam veteran.


  30. CNN has suddenly switched to covering the oil spill. More then a little suspicious....

    A guy at church was a former SpecOps. I'll check with him. Should have something to report back at approx. 1900 zulu.

  31. mcchrystalisadooshMay 2, 2010 at 6:04 PM

    Roger that, Jerome -- thanks!

  32. "People keep asking for "evidence" even as it keeps piling up higher and higher and higher."

    Sometimes Michael is so far ahead of the MSM it scares me.

  33. I probably should clarify - to leave a comment at my blog you just click the "comment" link, just like here.

    Sorry if I didn't make that clear before.

  34. "Sometimes Michael is so far ahead of the MSM it scares me."

    OMG Barb, I saw that when I first read the post but I didn't make the connection at the time. Thanks for being alert! (That's what I get for reading before my first cup of coffee.)

  35. Sorry, that last comment was me.

    Morning Michael! Hi all!

  36. OMG, have you guys seen this?

    Did North Korea Attack Gulf Oil Rig?

    Are we being willfully disinformed by the American media as to both the cause and the possible solution to the oil rig disaster in the Gulf? If it's true that it was an attack by North Korea like this article, reportedly based on a Kremlin report, claims, I think it proves the point a lot of people have been making about Obama being an international embarrassment and a diplomatic pansy.

  37. I think we can safely add that to mcchrystalisadoosh's fact list.

    1. Obama is planning to deploy 80,000 troops IN AMERICA just before the elections.

    2. SUPPOSEDLY "an alert Vietnam veteran" discovered a car bomb near the headquarters of the New York Times just in time to stop it from blowing up.

    3. Did North Korea Attack Gulf Oil Rig?

    Good start.

  38. "Michael, please call the tips hotline first, posting information here can wait."

    Don't you worry your pretty little head, Miss Babs, Mike keeps his priorities straight. I'll bet he's already been in contact with the proper authorities, and is sworn to secrecy.

    By the way, Mike, I dropped a 20 in your paypal, so lunch is on me, amigo. Check six, keep your head on a swivel, and be careful out there in injun country!

  39. Rangers Lead the WayMay 2, 2010 at 7:01 PM

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  40. Tex ~ well ah do declayuh ~ thank you sir, you are a true gentleman. ;)

    I understand why Michael might not be able to reveal what's going on just yet... I guess we gals on the homefront will just wait and pray.

    But I am looking forward to hearing from the other folks here with military experience. This has always been my "go to" place for that.

  41. "Rangers lead the Way" ? - - - you sound more like a RUMP RANGER to me.... Seen much "action" lately?

  42. Oh, and I added a five to the paypal "for desert." (*Grins*)

  43. McChrystal's politically correct ROE is killing our troops!!

  44. Anonymous, I was just reading about that at The Captain's web log. He's really all over it. Go check it out. All you have to do is click my name.

  45. Thank you for pointing that out, completely different anonymous commenter. I just visited there and you're right, he's really a must-read. Did you see what Michael Yawn said about the Captain's web log? He said "confirms a lot of the things I've been saying here." High praise indeed.

    I have linked my name to the captain's web log too so all you have to do is click on my name to go see for yourselves.

  46. Wow! I just added the Captain's web log to my bookmarks and sent emails out about it to all my friends and family. Thank you Michael Yawn and commenters for introducing me to such a great site.

  47. CNN is updating on the bomb scare. They said it is not a normal day in NYC, and the investigators are reviewing surveillance camera footage. Some of the surveillance cameras are labeled NYPD, others are not..... (liveblogging...)

  48. CNN is now asking if this sets off alarm bells.... Obama was notified... NY Police were kept on overtime.... they found a gun case like the ones you often see in the midwest..... early reports: there was a box within the box..... possible that because they saw so much smoke that perhaps the smoke helped defuse the fumes that were in the car... possibly looks like an amateur job.... at this point DHS appears to be monitoring the situation.... at this pojnt it could be anywhere from some crazy bomber or a guy mad at his wife to some terrorist... imposiible to determine that it's very early... they certainly will be examining the possibilities....

  49. More from CNN.... "if you have a couple propane tanks and gasoline and firecrackers, what will it do?"... one federal law enforcement official said he could compare it to the bombing of the Glasgow airport... "Is it as normal as it looks in NY right now?" Yes... it's a beautiful day... in regard to the smoke that was filling that area.... if teh tanks weren't quite full teh question is were they open? Or was one open and one closed? It's the fumes that eminate... still a lot of questions... more questions than answers....

    Whew, commercial! Taking a break. Anyone monitoring Fox or MSNBC?

  50. Here's a fact everyone forgot: The President sent SWAT teams to the oil rigs.

  51. Isn't describing the bomb an OPSEC violation? Why isn't CNN getting kicked out of NYC?

    Double standard, much?

  52. Michael, do they have Fox News in Afghanistan?

  53. Guys, guess what? The Captain added an IMPORTANT UPDATE to his post. If you haven't been over there lately you might want to go check it out. It's going viral!

  54. Barnacle Bill the SailorMay 2, 2010 at 7:54 PM

    MY Fan, they don't even have TELEVISION in Afghanistan. It's like the Flintstones over there.

  55. Barnacle Bill, that was MY FAN (not MY Fan) who said that.

  56. If they don't have television, how the hell could they like the Flintstones? IT'S A TV SHOW!!


  57. I always thought Afghanistan was more like those old TV westerns, Cowboys, Indians, Settlers, Calvery, etc.

  58. Have you ever seen "Combat"? Great TV show.

  59. Becky Sims AlgonquinMay 2, 2010 at 8:02 PM

    I always thought Afghanistan was like a 14th Century Caliphate except in a desert. They treat the women like cattle.

  60. The car bomb was parked in front of Bank of America!!!!!!!!!

  61. "Have you ever seen Combat?"

    Another anonymous commenter attacks. MICHAEL HAS SPENT MOST OF HIS LIFE IN COMBAT.

  62. Of course they have television. Riddle me this: If they didn't have television over there, how could Michael watch Major Payne?

  63. "Riddle me this: If they didn't have television over there, how could Michael watch Major Payne?"

    He could watch it on a computer.

  64. "He could watch it on a computer."

    You're right, I didn't think of that. :)

  65. McChrystal reminds me of Commandant Klink in Hogan's Heroes!

  66. On CNN the mayor of NY said it was a typical New Yorker Vietnam veteran t-shirt salesman who was the one who discovered the bomb before it went off.

    I (heart) vets! (I wonder if he sells Mike Yawn t-shirts?)

  67. OMG! We're lucky he didn't have a flashback when he saw it. Can you imagine if on top of everything else a berserk vet was on the loose in Times Square?

  68. Isn't there a commenter here who is a Vietnam Vet? I mention that because as is so often the case here whenever someone mentions a commenter they respond very quickly.

  69. VNVET-zero-two-hotelMay 2, 2010 at 8:32 PM

    I'm a Vietnam-ERA vet, Candy. Never went overseas. Except Germany.

  70. That's oikay - thanks for your service!

    But here's the question: Do you know where we can get Michael Yawn t-shirts?

  71. Okay, updating the fact list:

    1. Obama is planning to deploy 80,000 troops IN AMERICA just before the elections.

    2. SUPPOSEDLY "an alert Vietnam veteran" discovered a car bomb near the headquarters of the New York Times just in time to stop it from blowing up.

    3. Did North Korea Attack Gulf Oil Rig?

    4. Obama dispatched SWAT teams to oil rigs (Hat tip: anonymous commenter)

    Did I miss anything? Anybody got anything else yet?

  72. VNVET-zero-two-hotelMay 2, 2010 at 9:10 PM

    "Do you know where we can get Michael Yawn t-shirts?"

    Sorry, Candy, afraid not. Great idea though!

  73. It's CandyP - Candy hasn't commented about this.

    Well poop. Thanks anyway! Still (heart) the troops!

  74. FactCheck, awesome start - we're probably way ahead of Napolitano on this one! (Surprise! - not)

    But -- have you considered changing the order, switching fact four higher up, maybe between facts one and two?

  75. BETRAYUSMUSTGO, if he did it your way it would look like this:

    1. Obama is planning to deploy 80,000 troops IN AMERICA just before the elections.

    4. Obama dispatched SWAT teams to oil rigs (Hat tip: anonymous commenter)

    2. SUPPOSEDLY "an alert Vietnam veteran" discovered a car bomb near the headquarters of the New York Times just in time to stop it from blowing up.

    3. Did North Korea Attack Gulf Oil Rig?

    Please tell me how that makes any sense?

  76. Quiet ProfessionalMay 2, 2010 at 9:20 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. Well quiet professional, I think we'd all appreciate it if you'd STFU here, too.

    And FactCheck, ProudWoTVet said earlier the bomb was actually in front of the Bank of America. Might want to modify #2.

    ALSO - might be a good idea to use Roman numerals, then we can start having sub-headers A, B, C1, C2, C2a, C2b, D, etc etc etc.

  78. I like the Roman numerals idea. It's possible that 4 is actually a sub of 3, or vice-versa.

    As for the location of the car bomb, I don't want to change facts until we get some solid confirmation.

  79. It's possible that it could be "in front of the Bank of America" AND "near the New York Times"...

    But when you say 4 could be a sub of 3 or vice-versa, do you mean before or after you change the order and move 4 up to 2?

  80. "I don't want to change facts until we get some solid confirmation."

    That is a definite good solid plan right there. I would get that on a t-shirt any day.

  81. More from CNN (you won't believe this!): Comedy Central is in Times Square, too! Mohammed cartoons, anyone?

    AND a military recruiter!

    Does anyone here live in Times Square, can you help us out?

  82. Bob From BrooklynMay 2, 2010 at 9:53 PM

    I'm very familiar with Times Square. What can I do for you?

    (Only have a minute though...)

  83. Oh awesome, a New Yorker! Just one question - do they sell Mike Yawn t-shirts there?

  84. Bob From BrooklynMay 2, 2010 at 9:54 PM

    Not that I've ever seen! Great idea though!

    All right, I'm outta here, West Virginia for a week so no internet access for me. Michael, stay safe out there, we're with you all the way buddy! And give my regards to the troops!

  85. Hi Bob! Great, thanks for taking the time for this!

    Here's the question. None of us are familiar with the Times Square area. We need to know where the car bomb was relative to Bank of America, the New York Times building, Comedy Central, etc. Also, are there other businesses there that might have been targeted.

    Appreciate any light you can shed on this - a lot of what we're hearing on TV is very contradictory and confused (no surprised).

    Thanks again!

  86. Great web log you have there at, Captain! (Or just click mt name.)

  87. Thank you, John Doe! Has anyone else noticed this post about me has even more comments than the post about BETRAYUS? I'm humbled and proud!

  88. Over 90 comments - a record! Well done, Captain!
