Friday, May 14, 2010

I got a email from Mike Yon!

Here it is:

A new dispatch on Afghanistan is up: PENGUINS OF AFGHANISTAN.

My intentions were to write several more dispatches about missions, yet there seems to be so little interest in Afghanistan that it hardly seems worth the time to write about real missions.

There is little embedded work coming from Afghanistan. McChrystal's censorship seems to be working. (For now.) He's losing the war and covering it up. The deception is easy when so few people are paying attention. We are losing the war. At this rate it will be lost.

Very Respectfully,

Michael Yon
I was thinking he was going to point out how all the women over there run around in penguin suits, but Mike's title is about all the Afghani people, "Like penguins on the ice, they are born, they live and they die, and that’s all."

But see how he ended his email? "VERY RESPECTFULLY."

Lot's of people ask me why I still treat that no good useless ignorant McChrystal and his stinking band of foreigner generals and PAO monkeys respectfully even though they are incompetent and losing the war that no one cares about and covering it up by throwing out all the good embedded journalists like me and Mike Yon. Well, the answer is that's just the way our mothers raised us.


  1. Reminds me of an old one:

    Somewhere way up north there in Canada two guys knock on a door of a convent. A Nun answers.

    "Sister," says the first guy, "are there any midget Nuns here?"

    "No," she replies.

    "Told you so!" The other guy says to his buddy, "You were fuckin' a penguin!!!"

  2. Michael Yon is the real deal. Michael S Groomes is a deadbeat dad. Big difference.
