Monday, May 3, 2010

Highway to the Danger Close Zone

I just got an email:

Mr. Yawn,

I was reading Michael Yawns Online and had an inspiration for this totally original song. Here is a link to the music, and the lyrics are below. Maybe if we all donate enough money, you can hire Bruce Willis to produce and sing it on Sean Hannity’s Freedom Concert Tour. Here are the lyrics:

The Highway to the Danger Close Zone (Ballad of Green Beret Mike Yawn)

Revvin' up his camera
Listen to it hum and whir
Shutter speed on slo-mo
Ready for helo lights to glow
Highway to the Danger Close Zone
Ride into the Danger Close Zone
Headin' into twilight
Strapping on his kevlar tonight
Combat got him jumpin' off the FOB
Stryker shovin' into overdrive
Highway to the Danger Close Zone
Yawn'll take you
Right into the Danger Close Zone
He'll never say hello to you
Till you embed a year on the front line overseas
He'll never respect what you can do
Until you embed as long as he can go
Out along the edges
Always where Mike Yawn burns to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity
Highway to the Danger Close Zone
He’s gonna take you
Right into the Danger Close Zone
Highway to the Danger Close Zone


  1. It's like poetry. When I read it I see a movie in my head.

  2. This was one of my favorite parts:

    Strapping on his kevlar tonight
    Combat got him jumpin' off the FOB
    Stryker shovin' into overdrive

  3. I was singing along. I was really belting it out when I got to this part, I think I like it the best.

    Out along the edges
    Always where Mike Yawn burns to be
    The further on the edge
    The hotter the intensity

  4. This is the part I liked:
    Highway to the Danger Close Zone
    He’s gonna take you
    Right into the Danger Close Zone
    Highway to the Danger Close Zone

  5. Mike
    I've got a cousin who worked as a roadie for Aerosmith a while back. If it's okay with you I'm going to see if they want to record this song.

    (PS: I'm not really anonymous I just don't want people pestering me to meet Steve Perry.)

  6. Ben, I think Michael made it VERY clear which part of the song was the best.

  7. Michael, I hope you noticed I said the part I quoted was just one of my favorite parts. That part you quoted is MUCH better.

  8. Buck, Michael notices EVERYTHING. He is a combat journalist. I'm sure you didn't mean to attack, but THINK BEFORE YOU POST!

    Anonymous, if Aerosmith records this that would be AWESOME! (We have to make sure Michael gets the royalties, though.)

  9. Well, I know what I'll be humming all day!

  10. We don't have to wait for Royalties folks, Mike's got a tipjar!

  11. It IS an awesome song, isn't it Tammi?

  12. Did I read that right? Is Aerosmith going to record this?

  13. Mandy, Yes! Isn't it AWESOME?!?!

  14. Meghan, Mike said (and I QUOTE) "I THINK I like it the best". THINK! That does not mean he has DECIDED!

  15. Candy, yes, sort of, but I was hoping maybe Tom Cruise would do a remake. :( *sniffs*

  16. Ben, did it ever occur to you that MAYBE IT WOULD BE BETTER TO WAIT FOR MICHAEL TO DECIDE!?!

    (Am I the only one who notices every argument on this site starts with B-E-N?)

  17. BethAnne from MuncieMay 3, 2010 at 7:36 PM

    Candy, Mandy, ...imagine this: Aerosmith records it with Tom Cruise doing the vocals!

  18. BethAnne, you are such a problem solver!

    Does anyone know if Val Kilmer plays guitar?

  19. OMG - I just read it again imagining Aerosmith playing it with Tom Cruise singing and Val Kilmer on guitar!


  20. I would SO download that in a heartbeat!

  21. I play bass......

  22. Love the enthusiasm, girlfriends, but has anyone considered the possibility that maybe Michael should do the vocals himself?

  23. Sweet!...

    "Highway to the Danger Close Zone"

    Lead vocals: Michael Yawn
    Guitars/background vocals: Val Kilmer and Tom Cruise
    Other instrumental backing: Aerosmith
    Produced by Simon Phillip Cowell

  24. Ben, you might want to head general Schwartzkopff's advice: "When you're in a hole, quit digging"

  25. Mandy, you are such a doll!

  26. I checked iTunes, it isn't there. WTF?

  27. Michael

    Don't let up on MENARD - OR THE SPANISH!

  28. Michael, long-time reader, first time commenter here. I just wanted to let you know we are praying for you and the rest of our troops every day.

  29. Thank you, Bea!


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