Saturday, May 1, 2010


Some claim I don't have "evidence" that McChrystal doesn’t know how to run this war. I (and my lawyer) have lots.

Just received this email:

I am Robert Johnson, a sargent in the American armies, presently in Afghanstan among peace keeping force.

During the raid of the Osama bin Ladin hide out, which was also where he kept funds and valuables and cars and prize sexing goat, I smuggled out a box contain $13 million, which I have moved out of Afhganstan through a diplomadic channel.

The funds is presently in the custody of a securities and finance company in Europe. I want to move finally to safe bank account through a reliable person with good trust.

If you are willing to assist me in deal, urgently contact for further details.

Bob Johnson (a sargent in the US armies and marines)
I wonder if all the milbloggers full of hot air can please tell me: If McChrystal and his staff of switch-flipping monkey soldiers can’t keep track of Osama bin Laden’s confiscated treasure ... how can we expect them to win this war?

McChrystal must go. This war is over his head.


  1. ProudAmericanVetMay 1, 2010 at 2:01 AM

    Why HAVEN'T we caught Osama yet? It can't be that damn hard to find a 6'5" A-rab with a diyalasis machine strapped to him.

  2. I got the same email. We are screwed.

  3. Osama is in PAKISTAN. Get it? PAKISTAN.

    And where are we? Afghanistan.

    Repeat after me. Obama? PAKISTAN. Us? AFGHANISTAN.

    End of lesson one.

  4. I Linked this at my blog.

    I said long ago that I first wrote about this a while ago, when I said "I'm sure it can't be too hard to catch a 6'5" guy with a dialysis machine strapped to his back" but no one believed me when I said that at my blog. Turns out I was right.


  5. "Give them the bayonet."

  6. If we are going to win this war we need to stop mollycoddling these terrorists and start dropping some BOMBS. YOU CAN'T WIN WITHOUT KILLING. I am tired of our PC approach to war. It is war, and the Army breaks things and kills people until they stop being terrorists. That is how it works, Obama. Get used to it, McChrystal.

    And give our troops back their Burger King!

  7. We didn't beat the Nazis and Communists and the Japs and the French by NOT SHOOTING THEM WHEN THEY ATTACKED US.

    Time to take the GLOVES OFF.

  8. All-

    Time to pull together to help Michael get the word out. I'm hitting the PayPal button (again!) and encourage others to do so as well.

  9. Tom from YpsilantiMay 1, 2010 at 2:36 AM

    Michael, you have established a reputation for honesty and integrity. You don't have to bow to ANYONES demand for "evidence". The more they ignore you, the stronger you become. The more they email you, the weaker they get. It's obvious to those who know.

    Thank you for your service. You sir, are a hero.

  10. Dittoes on the PayPal. And don't forget to write your congresscritter!

    Michael, I sent your earlier post to Glenn Beck. Cross your fingers...


  12. Sorry, that should say


    I wonder how that happened. Hopefully they won't get to this one.

  13. PeaceThruFirepowerMay 1, 2010 at 2:43 AM

    All the while they are ignoring IRAN. Explain that one to me, McChrystal. WHY ARE YOU IGNORING IRAN?

    Mark my words: The next clouds in front of the moon will be mushrooms.

  14. Michael, I got an email too. It said Obama is ready to deploy the 80,000 troops of the first brigade, third infantry division IN AMERICA JUST BEFORE THE ELECTIONS. They aren't even trying to deny this. If that isn't some kind of plot I don't know what is.

    Have you heard about this? Be careful over there, Michael.

  15. Those stupid milbloggers were so mean to you Michael, but don't worry WE don't care what they say!! HUGS!!!

  16. Michael please please please embed with the first brigade, third infantry division. We need THE TRUTH about Obama's military takeover of the US. I am frightened.

    MY FAN are you still mad at me? Let's pull together for Michael and The TRUTH!

  17. "are you still mad at me?" High five, bro. No time to feud, hombre, there's a war on, we're in it to win it.

  18. Oh thank you SOOO MUCH, MY Fan. I was going to stay up all night worrying about this, and how it might impact Michael, and the war, and our soldiers, and Michael. If we can't stick together, how can Michael win this war for us? He is on the front lines, fighting for our freedom. Michael is the Greatest American Hero!
